Credit cards are more than simply pieces of plastic that provide you with fast access to cash. One such credit card that offers great deals, privileges, promotions, and bonuses from time to time is the Axis Bank Platinum Credit Card. It can help you save money by offering numerous discounts and bargains.
The Axis Platinum Credit Card is one such card that can give you numerous benefits while not burning a hole in your purse to cover its annual fee and other expenses. It helps to reap the greatest benefits and offers a plethora of useful features for the lowest feasible price.
Suitability |
Shopping |
Joining Fees |
Rs. 500 |
Rewards |
Points and Cashbacks |
Joining Fees |
Rs. 500 |
Annual Charges |
Rs. 200 |
Interest Charges |
46.78% per annum |
Late Payment Charges |
The following are the eligibility requirements for the Axis Bank Platinum credit card:
Age |
18 - 70 Years |
Residence |
Indian |
The following documents will be needed to apply for the Axis Bank Platinum Credit Card:
Axis Bank allows you to apply for an Axis Platinum credit card using one of two methods: online or offline.
To apply offline, simply go to the branch and fill out the physical application form.
But, if you prefer to apply online, you can do so quickly from the comfort of your own home by following the steps below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of Axis Bank.
Step 2: Choose the 'Explore Products' option.
Step 3: Choose 'Credit Cards' from the 'Cards' menu.
Step 4: Choose the Platinum Credit Card and then click Apply Now.
Step 5: Continue as needed by supplying the necessary information.
Other Axis Bank Credit Cards