When you hold a savings account, current account, credit card, or overdraft account with Bandhan Bank, you will be eligible for a mini statement. The mini statement is a service provided by the bank to all kinds of account holders in the bank. This characteristic could be easily opted for through the Bandhan Bank mini statement number that has been provided by the bank.
The Mini statement of Bandhan Bank is the latest or last five transactions that have been incurred with the account that you hold with the bank. It is a feature that is provided to you for easy and fast transaction history and information.
To obtain the most recent transaction history on your Bandhan Bank account, use the following number:
It is critical to use the mobile number registered with Bandhan Bank. When finished, you will receive an SMS from the bank with information on the past five transactions made in your bank account. It will provide the transaction amount, date of transaction, and transaction type, such as debit or credit.
Apart from the Bandhan Bank mini statement phone number, there are various other ways for a Bandhan Bank customer to get a mini statement from the bank.
How to Obtain a Bandhan Bank Mini Statement Using a Missed Call Number:
Check below how to avail of Bandhan bank mini statement through Bandhan Bank internet banking: