GSTIN, short for Goods and Services Tax Identification Number, is a unique 15 digit identification number assigned to every taxpayer (primarily dealer or supplier or any business entity) registered under the GST regime.
Before GST was introduced, all dealers registered under the state VAT law were issued a unique TIN number by the respective state tax authorities; the GSTIN number has replaced the same.
Business entities registering under GST are now provided with a unique identification number known as the GSTIN.
Obtaining GSTIN and registering for GST is absolutely free of cost.
Every taxpayer under the GST regime is provided with a State + PAN-based 15-digit Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN).
Here is the breakdown of the GSTIN format-
If any legal entity or business firm has only one registration in the same state, then the number “1” will be assigned as the 13th digit of GSTIN under its format. If the same company obtains one more or second registration in the same state itself, the thirteenth digit of GSTIN will be assigned as number ”2”.
Similarly, the letter “B” will be assigned as the 13th digit of the GSTIN if the entity has done 11 registrations in the same state. In the same way, any legal entity can have up to 35 business verticals and can be registered within a state using this system.
Applying for GST comes under the GST enrolment procedure. Once your GST application is approved by the concerned GST officer, a unique GSTIN is allocated. For learning how to get GSTIN number, there are 2 ways to apply, viz.
When applying for a GST identification number, you will typically need the following documents-
Once you have submitted Part B also, the GST officer will verify your application within 3 working days. The officer, after verification, can either approve your application, in which case you will receive your Certificate of Registration (Form GST REG 06), or the officer may ask for more information using Form GST-REG-03.
The additional details must be provided within 7 working days. Once you have provided the details, the officer has the authority to reject the application providing reasons for the same in the Form GST-REG-05.
If the GST officer finds the details provided by you genuine, then the application will be processed, and you will receive a Certificate of Registration.
The second way to register for GSTIN is by visiting a GST Seva Kendra directly. The government has established a plethora of service centres or “Seva Kendras” to facilitate all things related to GST and for the ease of taxpayers as well.
The government has set up the Seva Kendras to facilitate the migration to GST for many taxpayers. These taxpayers are the people who do not have access to or don’t have an idea of how to make use of the GST’s online portal.
There are many firms that produce invalid and fake GSTIN numbers just to charge extra money and avoid taxes under GST regulations.
First of all, as per the regulations, every service provider/ trader charging GST to their customers has to print their GSTIN number on all their produced invoices. You can, however, check the validity of the GSTIN provided to you in case you are having some doubts.
Checking the validity of the GSTIN Number is quite easy; just follow the given below steps-
Spotting fake GSTINs can be done simply by having a quick glance or a thorough check.
Alternatively, one of the most helpful ways to identify fake GSTIN numbers is by checking them via the GSTIN search tool. In addition, many free official and 3rd-party online tools are available to verify the number.
To verify if a GSTIN is authentic, follow the listed steps-
Step 1: Make a visit to
Step 2: Click on ‘Search Taxpayer’ and then click on ‘Search by GSTIN/UIN’.
Step 3: Fill in the GSTIN of the business in the field.
Step 4: Click ‘Submit’ after filling out the Captcha.
If the GSTIN is accurate, you will get much information related to the business, including the place of business, registration date, legal business name, etc. On the other hand, if the number is fake, no results will be displayed.
GSTIN number means the Goods and Services Tax Identification Number, whereas Goods and Service Tax Network (or GSTN) is an organisation that oversees the GST portal's whole IT system.
The Government of India will use this portal to track every financial activity and to give taxpayers all services, from registration to submitting taxes and preserving all tax records.
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