Your Portfolio Is Suffering a Loss? Here’s What You Should Do

17 April 2023
11 min read
Your Portfolio Is Suffering a Loss? Here’s What You Should Do

Investing is a risky business, and sometimes the market can be unforgiving. It’s important to remember that even if your portfolio has taken a hit, there are things you can do to help it recover. You’ve been putting money aside for years and finally, it’s time to reap the benefits. But instead of seeing that your investments are growing in value, you’re getting bad news from the market and your portfolio is losing money.

Keep in mind that investing is rarely a straight line of success. There will be bumps in the road. And if you’re going through one now, here are some tips on how to handle it.

To start with, take a look at what happened. If you’re trying to figure out how to get your money back on track, you want to understand why things went wrong—and what might have caused them. You might need some help from your broker or financial advisor if this is the case; they’ll be able to help you assess what went wrong and whether there’s anything you could have done differently in order to avoid losing money on your investment.

Why is Your Portfolio at Loss?

There are several reasons why your investment portfolio may be suffering a loss. It’s possible that the market is down. The market can fluctuate based on economic trends, and you may have invested at a time when the market was down. If it continues to stay down, your portfolio will likely lose value as well.

Here are some of the most common reasons why you might be facing a loss in your investments:

  • Poor Allocation of Funds

If you have invested in a fund that is not well-suited to your goals or risk tolerance, it’s likely that your portfolio will suffer. For example, if you need to save for retirement and invest with a conservative strategy, but instead choose an aggressive fund because it has performed well over the past few years, then you could end up losing money from an investment that should have been safe.

  • Unfavourable Market Conditions

Sometimes markets experience downturns that can be hard to predict or understand. Stocks often rise and fall together in waves—for example, when one sector experiences strong growth (and therefore rises) it may lead other sectors to grow as well (and therefore rise).

This can cause entire markets to rise and fall at once—even if individual stocks are performing well independently. In these situations, it’s important to keep an eye on how your investments perform relative to each other so that you know when it might be time to sell one stock or another one so they don’t drag down your portfolio as a whole.

  • You Are Not Diversified Enough

It’s also possible that you’re not diversified enough. If you have all of your investments in one type of asset—like stocks or bonds—you could be taking on more risk than necessary. Instead, consider diversifying your holdings among various types of assets so that if one goes down, others will hold up better.

  • You Have Made Too Many Risky Investments

If you have a lot of risky investments such as penny stocks or options, then you can expect that your portfolio will be affected by their volatility. This means that it may go up or down at any time without any warning for no apparent reason at all.

  • You Have Too Few Conservative Investments

If you only have one type of investment in your portfolio (for example, all equities or all bonds), then this could cause problems with diversification and make it more difficult to manage risk effectively because there is no diversity among different types of investments like bonds or stocks which would otherwise help mitigate losses during downturns such as recessions or bear markets where markets tend to fall steadily over time due to falling interest rates and inflationary pressures.

  • You Made Some Poor Investment Decisions and Bad Timing

If you’re not investing in the right kinds of investments, or if you’re using an inappropriate strategy for your situation, then your portfolio is going to perform poorly. If you start investing in stocks when they are at the top of their market cycle (i.e., when they’re trading at an all-time high), then the value of your stocks will drop significantly when the market turns down again—and it will take years for them to recover from that drop in value.

What Can You Do to Recover From the Loss?

Here are a few points to remember that will help you recover from a bad investment, or financial loss and bounce back with a new strategy.

  • First and foremost, don’t panic! It’s easy to panic when things aren’t going as planned, but it’s important not to do so. Panicking leads to rash decisions that can actually make things worse in the long run.

    If your investment portfolio is down, it doesn’t mean that you’ve lost all of your money—and it definitely doesn’t mean that you’re permanently ruined. Take a step back and breathe before making any rash decisions.

  • Ask yourself why you invested in the companies or assets you did in the first place. If it was because someone else told you it would be good for your portfolio, then don’t beat yourself up about it too much—that person likely didn’t know any better either!

    But if your reasoning behind investing was sound (e.g., “I wanted to put my money into renewable energy since pollution is destroying our planet”); then try to figure out what went wrong with this investment so that you don’t make similar mistakes next time around.

  • Consider adding new stocks or bonds into your portfolio if it’s not diversified enough for your needs anymore—this can help increase returns over time as well as lower risk overall for better performance overall!

    Research other options within your portfolio and consider diversifying more broadly into other asset classes such as real estate or bonds that might have performed better over time than their counterparts (stocks & funds) over recent months/years (depending on how long they’ve been open)

  • Review your portfolio and make sure it’s still diversified enough to be effective. If there are any areas where your risk is too high or low, make changes accordingly.

  • Make sure your financial advisor has been trained properly—there are many different types of advisors out there who specialize in different areas such as taxes or retirement planning; make sure yours knows what they’re doing before trusting them with your money!

  • Finally, remember that investing isn’t easy—it takes time and effort before seeing any real results.

Investment Portfolio at loss due to Market Correction

Market corrections are a natural part of the investment process, and they can be beneficial in many ways. A market correction is a short-term drop in stock prices that occurs when the market experiences a sudden change in sentiment or outlook. Most market corrections are short-lived and end within a few weeks or months.

Market corrections can be caused by many factors, including new government regulations or an increase in interest rates, which can cause investors to sell their stocks and bonds rather than buy them.

It’s important to stay calm during a market correction so you don’t make any rash decisions based on your emotions. If you have experienced your portfolio losing value due to a correction, here are some things you should consider doing:

First, take a deep breath and remind yourself that the market always rebounds—even after the Great Depression, the dot-com bust, and the 2008 financial crisis.

Second, you may have heard that it’s better to cut your losses early than ride them out, which is true—but only if you can afford to lose that money. If your portfolio is an important part of your retirement savings plan or if you need this money for something else like paying off debt or buying a house someday soon, then it’s probably not worth taking any unnecessary risks on losing more money than necessary just because you feel like cutting your losses early will make things easier in the long run.

Thirdly, don’t sell everything! If there’s one thing we know about market corrections like these ones that happen every few years (we’ve been through them too!). 

You should consider figuring out whether you have enough money invested in stocks or other volatile assets. If so, it might be time to re-evaluate your investment strategy and make sure that your portfolio is diversified enough to handle market fluctuations.

If you’ve already done this and still don’t feel confident about what’s going on with the market, try taking some time off from investing altogether while things settle down again. This will give you more time to think about what went wrong with your strategy (and with the market) before jumping back in again when things start looking up again.

It’s also important not to make any rash decisions when your portfolio is struggling like this—even if that means waiting until after tax season.

Strategies to Be Ahead of the Market (Crisis Control) to Prevent Your Portfolio From Suffering a Loss

With so many uncertainties looming over the market, many investors are looking for ways to protect their investments. If you’re considering buying stocks or making any other investment decisions, here are some strategies that can help you stay ahead of the curve and protect your portfolio from suffering a loss.

1. Check Portfolio

The first thing you should do is check your portfolio allocation. If your portfolio has too much exposure to equities, then you need to take some money out of equities and move it into cash.

If you don’t have enough money in cash, then you need to sell some stocks in your portfolio and use that money to buy cash. 

2. Identify Your Risk Tolerance

You should always have an idea of what you’re comfortable with when it comes to risk, and that number should be based on more than just how much money you have. It also matters what kind of investor you are: if you’re a conservative investor, you may not want to invest in stocks or other risky investments at all.

And if you’re an aggressive investor, then there’s no need for you to worry about protecting yourself from downside risk—you’ll probably be fine either way.

3. Don’t Buy Stocks With High Debt Levels

Stocks with high debt levels may not perform well during economic downturns because they have less flexibility than other companies when times get tough. It’s best to avoid these types of stocks altogether. 

4. Understand Your Assets

Before you sell anything, make sure you know exactly what it is and why you own it in the first place. If you don’t have an idea of what your investments are worth, then you won’t be able to determine whether or not selling them at this time is even an option for you.

5. Be Aware of Commissions and Charges

These can add up quickly when selling large amounts of assets at once, so make sure that these fees won’t eat into your profits before deciding whether or not selling is right for you at this time.

6. Buy Stocks of Companies That Don’t Rely on Social Media Platforms for Customer Service

Social media platforms are experiencing sharp declines in usage already due to privacy concerns, and they could lose more users as these issues become more apparent over time. You should look for companies that have strong business models based on products or services rather than those based on user engagement with social media platforms.

For example, if you’re considering buying shares in the company behind Instagram, it might be worth looking elsewhere instead because Instagram is heavily dependent on social media platforms for its business model.

7. Invest in the Long Term

By investing in the long term, you can avoid trying to time the market and buying when prices are at their most expensive and selling when they’re at their lowest.

You’ll also be able to benefit from compounding interest over time, which allows your investments to grow faster than they would if you were trading frequently or investing in short-term instruments like stocks, bonds, or real estate.

8. Invest in Technology and Infrastructure

This is one of the best ways to protect yourself from economic turmoil because these types of investments are more resistant to disruption than other types of investments (like stocks).

In fact, many investors have made good returns on these types of investments during periods of economic downturns because they tend not only to survive but thrive during hard times when other investments may not do as well as expected (or worse yet fail altogether).

9. Invest in Index Funds and ETFs

Index funds and ETFs are low-cost ways to diversify your portfolio and give you exposure to different markets without having to worry about picking the right stocks or bonds yourself. They’re also typically less volatile than individual stocks, which means they’ll help keep your portfolio from suffering losses during market downturns.

10. Invest in Bonds

If you want to be ahead of the market (crisis control), then bonds are one of the best ways to do it. Bonds are basically loans that can be paid back with interest, so they’re safe investments that typically don’t lose value as quickly as stocks do during times of economic uncertainty.


If you’ve suffered losses in your portfolio, the time to act is now. The longer you wait to protect the remaining value of your investments, the harder repairing your portfolio will be. Remember, there are no guarantees when it comes to investing—but by using these strategies (and others), you can help ensure that your investments continue to grow and that your future is secure.

It’s normal to feel stressed when things go wrong with your investments—it happens to everyone at some point—but don’t let fear take over. Instead, take a deep breath and remember that investing is about long-term growth over short-term gains.

Even if something goes wrong today or tomorrow or next week, if you invest long enough and keep at it consistently then eventually those losses will turn into gains again. 


The stocks mentioned in this article are not recommendations. Please conduct your own research and due diligence before investing. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. Please read the Risk Disclosure documents carefully before investing in Equity Shares, Derivatives, Mutual fund, and/or other instruments traded on the Stock Exchanges. As investments are subject to market risks and price fluctuation risk, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objectives shall be achieved. Groww Invest Tech Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Nextbillion Technology Pvt. Ltd) Ltd. do not guarantee any assured returns on any investments. Past performance of securities/instruments is not indicative of their future performance.
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