This is the dilemma everyone faces when their monthly income can service pre-payment of the home loan. But you should take note of the Pros and Cons associated with pre-payment and investments in mutual funds.
The following table shows the bifurcation of Principle and Interest Component
Birbal can service 3 additional EMI every year. Hence his prepayment liability are as follows
Birbal here is effectively saving 9 lakhs from interest if he opts for prepayment.
It refers to the loss from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. In this case, the opportunity cost of not prepaying your home loan is the returns which you can earn from investing in Mutual Funds. Returns on mutual funds depend on the scheme in which you have invested.
The following table looks at average 5-year returns as per different categories
If you don’t prepay your home loan and start investing in mutual funds. Then, I assume you are looking for long term investments. Hence, the following portfolio will work fine for capital appreciation and decent returns going forward.
One should compare the tax benefits and effective interest rate after taxes of pre-payment with the returns of mutual fund scheme you wish to invest. If the benefits of pre-payment outweigh that of the returns from the mutual fund. Go for a pre-payment, else continue with regular EMI. Also, keep in mind the others points mentioned above
Happy Investing
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