The Stallion India IPO opened for subscription on January 16, 2025, and will remain available until January 20, 2025. The allotment of shares is likely to be finalized on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The IPO is set to debut on the BSE and NSE, with a tentative listing date scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2025.
Stallion India's IPO, valued at ₹199.45 crores, comprises a fresh issue of 1.79 crore shares totalling ₹160.73 crores and an offer for sale of 0.43 crore shares amounting to ₹38.72 crores. The price band for the IPO is set between ₹85 and ₹90 per share, with a minimum application lot size of 165 shares. Retail investors can participate with a minimum investment of ₹14,850, while sNII investors require a minimum of 14 lots (2,310 shares) for ₹2,07,900, and bNII investors need 68 lots (11,220 shares), amounting to ₹10,09,800.
(January 16, 2025, 11:39:12 AM)
As of January 16, 2025, Day 1, the Stallion India IPO has been subscribed 2.11 times overall, 3.25 times in the retail category, and 2.26 times to non-institutional Buyers (NII). Among the NII, bids above ₹10 lakh (bNII) were subscribed 1.48 times, while those below ₹10 lakh (sNII) were subscribed 3.84 times. The qualified institutional buyers (QIB) have not been subscribed yet.
The net proceeds from the Fresh Issue will be utilized for the following purposes:
Founded in 2002, Stallion India Fluorochemicals Limited specializes in the sale of refrigerants, industrial gases, and related products. The company’s core operations include debulking, blending, and processing refrigerant and industrial gases, as well as supplying pre-filled cans and small cylinders or containers. With four strategically located plants in Khalapur (Raigad, Maharashtra), Ghiloth (Alwar, Rajasthan), Manesar (Gurugram, Haryana), and Panvel (Raigad, Maharashtra), Stallion serves a diverse range of industries. Their fluorochemical gases, primarily used as refrigerants, find applications across sectors such as semiconductors, automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, fire safety, spray foam, glass manufacturing, and aerosol production.
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