Punjab National Bank posted its Q4 FY22 numbers on May 11, 2022. The bank reported a dip of 78.6% QoQ (Quarter on Quarter) in its consolidated Profit After Tax (PAT) which came in at Rs 245 crore for the quarter under review against Rs 1,150 crore in the previous quarter. On a YoY (Year on Year) basis, the PAT was down 55% to Rs 245 crore from Rs 546 crore in the year-ago period.
The bank earned interest of Rs 19,089 crore in Q4 FY22, which was down from Rs 19,579 crore in the previous quarter, and slightly up from Rs 19,065 crore in the year-ago period. The bank’s total income was hit largely due to a dip in the bank’s other income. Punjab National Bank’s operating profit is up 4.3% QoQ and 16.3% YoY to Rs 5,306 crore in the quarter under review from Rs 5,083 and Rs 4,561 in Q3 FY22 and Q4 FY21 respectively.
Punjab National Bank’s operating margin is up at 24.96% from 23.05% in the previous quarter and 20.99% in the year-ago period. The bank’s net profit margin however, is down to 0.96% from 5.12% in the previous quarter and 2.74% in the year-ago period.
The bank reported that it’s Gross NPA (Non-Performing Assets) was down to 11.78% in Q4 FY22 from 12.88% in the previous quarter and 14.12% in the corresponding quarter in the previous financial year. PNB’s Net NPA came in at 4.80 in the quarter under review from 4.90% in the previous quarter and 5.73% in the year-ago period.
The bank’s Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs 0.64 per equity share of the face value of Rs 2 each. Punjab National Bank’s scrip closed in the red at Rs 33.10 per share after taking a dip of 0.60% at the end of the intraday trading session on May 11, 2022 ahead of the bank’s quarterly results.
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Research Analyst: Bavadharini KS