Extended Internal Rate of Return, also known as XIRR, is frequently used to measure the performance of investments with variable cash flows, such as mutual funds, equities, and real estate.
It computes the rate of return necessary to bring the present value of all cash flows to zero while considering the timing and size of each investment and withdrawal.
Financial analysts and investors frequently utilize XIRR to assess the historical performance of various assets or portfolios and to guide future investment choices.
In this blog, we will examine the meaning of XIRR along with determining how returns are calculated using XIRR. So read on to discover more about this!
A built-in function in spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, the XIRR Function determines the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of a cash flow sequence that happens at sporadic intervals.
The function provides the discount rate that reduces the current value of all cash flows to zero, considering the dates and quantities of each cash flow and the original investment.
Syntax for the XIRR Function in Excel- =XIRR(values, dates, [guess]) |
Wherein –
Additionally, a similar syntax is used in Google Sheets for the XIRR function:
Syntax for the XIRR Function in Google Sheets = XIRR(values, dates, [guess]) |
The steps to compute returns using XIRR are as follows-
STEP 1: Gather all information on the investment's cash flow, including the dates and sums of any deposits, withdrawals, and dividends.
STEP 2: Create a table containing two columns: one for the dates and one for the matching cash flows, and place the cash flow data there.
STEP 3: Enter the cash flow information into a spreadsheet program like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
STEP 4: Choose the cell where you wish to see the XIRR result.
STEP 5: In the chosen cell, enter the XIRR function. The function's syntax is =XIRR(values, dates, [guess]).
STEP 6: Indicate the range of cash flows (values) and the content of associated dates in the XIRR function.
STEP 7: The rate of return can optionally have an estimated value specified. The function will use a default value of 0.1 (10%) if no guess value is provided.
STEP 8: Press Enter once you have made all necessary entries for the XIRR function. The function will determine the annualized rate of return for the investment.
STEP 9: Once the XIRR result has been shown, analyze the data to ascertain the investment's annualized rate of return. The rate of return that would cause the present value of all the cash flows to equal zero is known as the XIRR, which will be stated as a percentage.
Interesting Fact to Know Microsoft Excel version 4.0, published in 1992, included the XIRR Function. The XIRR function, which is accessible in the majority of spreadsheet programs, notably Google Sheets, OpenOffice Calc, and Apple Numbers, has now evolved into a fundamental tool for financial analysis. |
In conclusion, the annualized rate of return on investment with cash flows that occur at irregular periods may be calculated by investors using the sophisticated tool known as XIRR, which we have discussed above.
XIRR gives a more realistic picture of an investment's actual return than more straightforward calculations like the average rate of return since it considers the timing and quantities of each cash flow as well as the initial investment.
Lastly, XIRR is a valuable tool for investors who want to calculate the returns on their investments, in general precisely.
Disclaimer: This blog is solely for educational purposes. The securities/investments quoted here are not recommendatory.