A Lot of Features
Choose from 10+ technical charts
Candlestick, line, bar, Heikin Ashi, and many other charts, to suit every trader’s needs
The full spectrum of indicators
Study price movements, identify signals & trends, and make smart investments
Live & instant market updates
Catch every historical & intraday market movement with live charts that update in real-time, ZERO lag
Suitable for all trading styles
Time frames from 1 minute to 1 month, and market data for up to 10 years, for all your trading and investment goals
Discover Technical Charts
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Note: Groww partners with TradingView for Advanced Charting facilities: emphasizing its commitment to quality and utility, Groww integrates the potent charting features offered by TradingView. This exhaustive trading and investment platform furnishes top-notch charting instruments and high-performance market data, allowing traders to study various assets: watch Nifty 50 chart to prepare for trades with shares or track USDINR rate to analyze forex market - all in one place.