The execution price may differ from your order price due to the following reasons:
1. Limit Orders Executed at Current Market Price:
- If you place a buy limit order at a price higher than the current market price, it will execute at the current lower market price. Example: If the market price is ₹100 and your buy limit price is ₹120, the order will execute at ₹100.
- Similarly, if you place a sell limit order at a price lower than the current market price, it will execute at the current higher market price. Example: If the market price is ₹100 and your sell limit price is ₹80, the order will execute at ₹100.
To buy or sell at a specific price different from the current market price: Use a Stop-Loss (SL) Order.
2. Market Orders and Price Fluctuations:
Market orders are executed at the best available price at the time of placement. Factors like:
- High Volatility: Rapid price changes may cause execution prices to deviate from the displayed prices.
- Low Liquidity: Limited availability of buyers or sellers can also result in significant price differences.
These conditions may lead to slight variations in execution price compared to your intended order price.