To cancel your ongoing SIP, follow these steps:
- On your home screen, navigate to the 'Mutual Funds' section.
- Select the ‘SIPs' tab at the top.
- Choose the SIP you want to cancel.
- Click on 'Cancel SIP' in the top right corner.
- Select your reason for cancellation.
- Confirm by clicking 'Cancel SIP' once more.
Note: - You cannot cancel your SIP if the next installment is due within the next 3 days. The installment must be paid before you can cancel it.
- Canceling the SIP will stop future installments, but your invested amount will remain as is until you redeem it.
- Once you place the request to cancel the SIP, it cannot be undone. You can create a new SIP in the same fund, and the amount will be added to the investment.
Click the 'SIPs' button below to go directly to the SIP section.